Tuesday, April 17, 2007

kis kis ne kis kis ko KISS kiya...

what's the big deal in a kiss man ? Men and women all over the world are kissing away to glory. What is so different(read as special) about a Richard Gere kissing a Shilpa Shetty ? Agreed,it was an uncalled-for occasion but the hormones don't really think about occasions, do they ? The media should stop filming such kisses and other public displays of physical affection.It doesn't really matter,you see. The world is a much freer place now and most normal adults or teenagers have witnessed or have been part of a passionate kiss at some point in their life. :) Be it on silver screen or in life's real screen, we all have seen better kisses,haven't we ? So much fuss for something that happens all over the world on a daily basis, is utterly stupid. And for all that, honestly, it wasn't even a nice kiss :) Man!,he was trying to grab everyone's attention by grabbing her and making a big mockery of himself as she was trying to free herself initially from his clutches but later gave in to his frenzied nonsense. All along,putting up a fake smile on her million dollar face :) Poor Shilpa,somehow she covered up,Richard Gere afterall! Scored a brownie point on her 'Page-3-Resume' she did! Or did she enjoy it ? I dunno, I thought she had the expression of 'I have been kissed better, you old fool!' look on her face.

As far as Richard Gere is concerned, I suggest he give up all this spiritual Buddhist thing and start living like a man!,he looks deprived of you-know-what ? But why ? He could get any woman on this planet,why poor Ms 'Celebrity Big Boss'? Ooops!, a small correction, he could get any woman on this planet but ME :) Not me, this guy doesn't even know how to kiss well,sorry I deserve someone better!!

Well,so much for kissing escapades of big people. Can't figure out why in Varanasi and other places people protested this event ? Why,in the land of Kamasutra, do we object to any sexual act as if it is a religious sin ? Why do we, who knew how to enjoy better sex, than rest of the world, care a damn for an ordinary common-place activity ?

Gear up,O media channels! there are better news to cover. No, I don't mean your goddamn sex-surveys,those suck equally and they are absolutely false! I mean,bigger problems like AIDS(everyone forgot the event that led to the KISS!),lack of sex-education,domestic violence and all kinds of crimes. When are we gonna come out of Page-3 stories to real-life trauma ? When are we going to stop peeking into the bedrooms of the rich and famous and figure out the real problems in common bedrooms ?

This country is on a wild-goose chase, thanks to its ever-blabbering media.


Anonymous said...

Do you realise that by choosing to write about this issue, when you could've decently ignored it, you're only perpetuating what the media has already done?

-Russian Salad

Saaveri... said...

well,not really because I have only spent about 15 minutes to do so and that does not in anyways amount to perpetuation. And I'm writing this on my personal blog which does not demand any attention,nor is it a public voicing forum.So, I would think,am not doing so. Each person is entitled to his opinions and so are u and me. Cool! it is just a blog :)

Anonymous said...

See, don't get me wrong here.

There are two ways of looking at it. If you want to justify your choice of writing about a topic that you so vehemently trivialise, you could evaluate your post against what the media has already done, and take solace in a number of facts where you're better than the media, from the time/space spent on it to the 'personal' nature of blogs.

But, a more responsible way of looking at it would be to not compare it with the media but to compare it with what you yourself could have done alternatively: namely, ignore the issue altogether. (After all, it wasn't as if you just had to write about it at gun point. You could've as easily decided to not write about it, but write, rather, a beautiful post on, say, Simhendra-madhyamam, not to mention that there aren't many in the media who could write on Simhendra-madhyamam, am I right?)

And I'm writing this on my personal blog which does not demand any attention,nor is it a public voicing forum.

Yes, madam, it IS your personal blog indeed, but what do you think 'publishing' a blog means? 'To publish' also means 'to issue publicly'. So, to that extent, it remains in the public domain and can influence people's perceptions. So, if 100 such bloggers write about this issue in their blogs, it moulds public opinion to that extent, and could trick the public into thinking that it is perhaps an important issue.

So, I would think,am not doing so.
Several of those reporters working for these media houses think so too! At least, they have very little choice because it's their bread and butter, but you certainly could have avoided it. Right?

Each person is entitled to his opinions and so are u and me.
Absolutely. There are opinions, and then, there are opinions. Which opinions you espouse could depend on which side of responsibility you choose to stand. If the media chooses to stand on that other side, let them do it. Should you also join them?

Cool! it is just a blog :)
That's a great spirit! Hope I have not offended you by my comments; that's never the intention! :) You don't have to accept my points, but think about them, and you'll see what I mean.

Have a great evening! :)
-Russian Salad (and sorry about the rather long comment)

Saaveri... said...

Well,no worries about the long comment :) I wrote this blog (and if you saw it was one of my smaller blogs) to basically say that the media is hyping about something when we have bigger problems. I think it is good to emphasise the trivial nature of such things and hence I wrote on it.

I dint take offence. Infact,I welcome comments that differ from my opinions. It takes all kinds of people to make this world a beautiful place buddy :) If everyone thought like me,this place would be dead boring,what say ?

BTW who are u ? I don't know ur identity. You are definitely a Carnatic music enthusiast, have we met in person or on net ? Anyways, Russian Salad is a gud name,so no issues with that either !

Lion said...

the media is definitely not doing the job right!!

it is very evident from your blog.

Gere was kissing her to show that AIDS does not spread by hold hands or by kissing. It was an absolutely innocent act. He was not acting like any pervert out her or showing his love in public.

I hate Indian Media. It should focus its energy on the great things that are happening around the country rather than such trivial matters.