Friday, February 02, 2007

Let life live itself...

Who am I ?
What is a job ?
Why is home a home and office an office ?
Who are these people around me ?
Why does Friday mean happy and Monday sad ?
Why is it that soemtimes strangers understand me better than people who know me ?
(or do I think they know me ?)
Why does it hurt sometimes thinking of someone ?
Why do memories make me happy yet sad ?
What is my family and what do they mean to me ?
Why does it worry when mom is not well ?
Why does Dad wait for me at the gate everyday when I get back from work ?
When am unwell, why does sis call every 1 hour while some people dont even bother ?
Why do I age ? Why couldnt I stay young forever ? Why is my age so important to people ?
Why shud my head throb in pain when am stressed ?
Why does the heart beat faster when I see something beautiful and magnificent ?
Why do some conversations make me want to soar high and fly and some make me want to start all over again ?
Why am I paid so much for doing this job while a
poor house-maid strives 7 days a week to earn 1/15th of what I do ?
Why am I single at 31 ? ( thanks to some ppl ,am asking this question myself !!)
Why does not being able to sing hurt so badly ?
Why does one line of hindolam sound like heaven ?
Why does witnessing a dead body make me philosphical ?
Why does rasam taste so good when I have fever ?
Why does it feel so good after coming from a swim ?
Why is it that life is beautiful and painful ?
Why do people call me 'Rekha'? What is in my name ? Why do I care ?
Why is it that when I smile everyone hover around but when I cry everyone stays away ?
Why should I always struggle for small,little things too, while some people sit pretty and things come knocking ?
Why should luck not favor me once ?
Why should I always be careful, calculated, regulated and abiding ?
Why should a mistake from me cause damage worth years of my youth ?
Why should I laugh or cry at all ?
Why should I have an opinion ?
Why should my thoughts matter to this vast vast universe ?
If I were to leave this world today, would it matter ?
If I cease to work,would my office close down ?
If I stop being a friend, would my friends care ?
what is this all about ?

Many such questions in mind for the last few days. My Answer :- Because I want them that way!! My answers are always what I want them to be. To "think more" means more "inhibition", so from today onwards I risk the life of not "thinking too much" and giving life a damn chance to live itself...

( Inspired by a heart-to-heart talk with Sundari...thanks my dear for a few precious momentsof ur worthy life)