Tuesday, January 23, 2007

single at 31....

some idiot ( who is all of 23 years ) is stupid enough to ask me why am single at 31 :) he also wants to know how tall am,as if that matters to his existence :) I pity all these young things who have not much to do in life..
At 23, I was sensible enough not waste time sending crazy messages to strangers asking them why they were single at 31!! I had better ideas for my life dude.Today when am 31 ( that must be 'old' for you guys right ? ) , my decisions then,have made me what am and I have absolutely no regrets understand ?

maybe I hate men?
maybe I did not do the right things to get a guy to marry me when I was 23 ?
maybe I was too busy making mistakes ?
maybe I was too honest and emotional ?

dude, does that answer your question ? i really pity you!!!
now shut up and go get a life..when you are 31, I shall ask you some questions, prepare yourself to answer them ok ?