Tuesday, August 28, 2007

visuals from the misty curtains of time..

a sparkling river,a sandy beach...
a cloudy sky,a blazing sun...
a peaceful silence,a sound of music...
a short walk,a long climb...
a little hillside,a misty mountain...
a bowl of soup,a spicy curry...
a ferry boat,a sunken ship...
a small story,a big drama...
a mischievous grin,an embarassed smile....
a haunted castle,a thatched hut...
a jogger's sprint,a sniper's crawl...
a meaningless conversation,a remarkable comment...
a smile of sadness,a tear of joy...
a known stranger,an unknown friend...
a book on a couch,a drink in the pub...
a sense of tradition,a wild nonsense thing...
a large expanse of space, a wee moment in time...
a loud chat with everyone, an unspoken word with someone...
a place where everything ended, a place where everything began...

... a lot of things don't matter anymore..


Preethi said...

my sweet sister writes so well :)

Anand said...

remindes of the song gin soaked boy by divine comedy

अवनीश एस तिवारी said...

रेखा जी,
बहुत अच्छा लिखा है | लेकिन और गहरा भाव होना चाहिए |

कुछ और नया लिखिए |

-- अवनीश तिवारी

Well written. But there should be more deep thought with new matter.

Try to attempt more...

--Avaneesh tiwaree